+39 349 4236540

There is no true healing without peace within one's soul and inner joy.
Edward Bach

The role of the naturopath, in compliance with its code of ethics, is to encourage, through consultancy activities, therapeutic advice or by using non-invasive reflex-stimulation methods, those self-healing processes inherent in every person and to encourage and support the full and conscious assumption of responsibility by each individual in relation to their lifestyle, so that it is directed towards harmony and balance on the physical, emotional, psychic and spiritual levels.

The naturopath acts as a reference figure in the education and promotion of attitudes aimed at preventing diseases, improving the quality of life and psycho-physical and energetic rebalancing, through methods that are as gentle as they are effective.

Personally, I deal with:

  • foot reflexology;
  • foot reflexology integrated with Bach flowers;
  • metamorphic reflexology technique (used to dissolve traumas and free "blocks in time" allowing the life force to flow harmoniously again);
  • reiki by Mikao Usui;
  • flower therapy by Edward Bach (both prescription and preparation of remedies);
  • prescription of phytocomplements i.e. mixtures of plant extracts (e.g. herbal medicines, meristem derivatives and trace elements). 
  • yoga nidra.

In addition, on a case by case basis, I integrate my consultancy with:

  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique);
  • logosynthesis;
  • kinesiological testing; and
  • nutritional advice both to improve one's eating habits, but also in the prevention and treatment of the most common pathologies.