+39 349 4236540

The root of all health is in the brain.
Its trunk is in emotion.
The branches and leaves are the body.
The flower of health blooms when all parts work together.
Kurdish proverb

Always! But let's understand why.

Naturopathy, by virtue of the fact that it uses methods devoid of any side effects, undesirable or iatrogenic (caused by the administration of the drug itself), acts on a general level on the nervous, endocrine, immune and circulatory systems (systems already closely related to each other and which enjoy mutual influence and influence) and has as its ultimate aim that of understanding the profound causes following the onset of discomfort, accepting its meaning and reactivating the healing power, psychophysical and emotional, inherent in each of us.

Due to its characteristics it is effective in prevention and can be a valid support, albeit at different levels, in many functional problems and full-blown pathologies. It is also very useful in accompanying PMA (Medically Assisted Procreation) processes and chronic and oncological diseases.

For example, naturopathy has proven to be statistically significant in cases of:

  • stress, physical, emotional, mental tension and mild behavioural blocks, anxiety, nervousness, headaches and migraines, mood and sleep disorders, chronic fatigue;
  • digestive system disorders (gastritis, colitis, constipation, dysbiosis, acidity, cramps, irritable colon;
  • disorders of the urogenital system and endocrine disorders (recurrent inflammation, cystitis, candidiasis, dysmenorrhea, alterations of the menstrual cycle, climacteric disorders, infertility sine causa;
  • respiratory system disorders (chronic colds, sinusitis, sore throat, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis;
  • food intolerances and nutritional disorders, overweight, metabolic disorders;
  • allergies and skin diseases;
  • relief in osteoarticular pathologies;
  • poor circulation in the legs, cold extremities, poor lymphatic circulation, edema, swelling, fluid stagnation;
  • integration and support of medical therapies of all types.