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What drives life is a small electric current,
powered by sunlight.
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

Many phenomena that govern life are studied as the result of the individual chemical and physical processes into which existence can be broken down. This so-called mechanistic philosophical position, which has spread since the 17th century and which has influenced all Western medical thought up to the present day, is opposed to the older holistic conception or, as Jons Jacob Berzelius later renamed it, "vitalist" concept, by which the complexity of the living organism can only be explained by resorting to treating life and organisms as something different and more than the mere sum of its parts.

In spite of the great discoveries of science, man still remains a great mystery and, the sick man, an even greater mystery, more difficult to understand and cure. Thus, if medical knowledge is not integrated with an energetic conception of life itself, if it has not fully grasped the meaning of a symptom, a discomfort or a pathology, there is a risk of stopping at the reductive logic of appearance. This invites us to think more deeply, and if we look more closely, we can see that everything that exists in the known universe is supported by four great pillars: energy, matter, time, and information.

For naturopathy, information is represented by the symptom which is not "only" the sign of a manifestation, but takes on the meaning of an indicator revealing a particular way of expressing energy in that particular system. In other words, pathology represents the attempt made by the ordered system (life) momentarily perturbed, to overcome a phase of chaos. When chaos is converted back into order, healing occurs, when this does not happen, the system loses energy and becomes disorganized at the level of subsystems, entering chronic pathology. 

In every living being, according to the holographic science hypothesis, every single part is the whole, and the whole is in every part of it. The symptom represents not only the specific signal that characterizes it as such, but possesses the information of the entire individual system.

The presence of a vital principle that governs all the functions and all the phenomena observable in a living organism is endowed with intelligence and, in the face of a situation, always reacts in the best interest of the subject. 

This vision, which goes beyond the conception that vital phenomena are simple chemical-physical reactions, is one of the key points of naturopathy, which considers it its task to activate and increase this healing force (vix medicatrix naturae), to be as rapid as possible in orienting the subject towards the most favourable reaction to his organism according to his current state.

The human being is seen in its entirety, as a microcosm, in which multiple complete and complex subsystems are in dynamic equilibrium, ordered and regulated by an unimaginable harmony; One of the goals of holistic natural medicine is thus to maintain and restore order!