+39 349 4236540

Every scientific conception
begins as a heresy.
Aldous Huxley

Naturopathy is an holistic science (from olos, from the Greek origin meaning whole, or unity) that considers man in an integral fashion; a microcosm in a dynamic and open relationship with the world around him.

Starting from this assumption, the naturopath works by taking all levels of being into consideration: physical, emotional, psychic and spiritual with the aim of harmonizing communication and the level of interaction, in relation both to one's own deep needs and to the demands of the surrounding environment. In fact, in an holistic observation, the organism is considered as a whole in which all the parts are interrelated to such an extent that they cannot exist without each other.

All is one.

For holistic disciplines there is no separation between mind and body, just as there is no concept of disease understood as an enemy to be eliminated, fought and destroyed. Instead, there is a continuum of causes and effects, a circularity of requests, offers and information, a spiral of voices in constant dialogue and communication that make each individual unique and unrepeatable, where disease is seen rather as an ally, as a messenger who invites change and profound transformation.

Naturopathy is concerned with the being in its entirety by making use of methods that have the characteristic of respecting life, the "bios", since they are devoid of any side effects, be they undesirable or iatrogenic (caused by the administration of the drug itself) with the ultimate aim of reactivating the healing power and balance inherent in every human being.

Holistic medicine aims to restore man's vitality by integrating synergistically with the progress of allopathic medical science and its professionals.

Together we can do more and better!