+39 349 4236540

Don't worry about today;
don't get angry about today;
honour your parents, teachers and elders.
Earn an honest living;
Show gratitude to all living beings.
Mikao Usui

Reiki is not an invention nor a trend: it is a rediscovery.

Towards the end of the nineteenth century, Dr. Mikao Usui found, in ancient Sanskrit writings from 2,500 years ago, the key that brought the age-old culture of natural healing back to life.

Not only that: he decided that the key to natural healing should not be the prerogative of a select few, but accessible to everyone, which is possible thanks to simple techniques of reharmonization and opening of the energy channels (chakras).

The word reiki, coined by Dr. Mikao Usui, means universal life energy and is defined as that force that operates and lives in all creation. It is made up of two tenses: the syllable rei describes the unlimited and universal aspect of this energy, while ki indicates the vital force that passes through every living thing.

Reiki is therefore the name given to the energy that surrounds us: balanced energy which, through its constant strength, brings unity where it has been missing due to thoughts, words, omissions, conflicts, nutrition, places, people, colours, sounds , ....

Reiki, channeled through the therapist's hands, allows us to rediscover unity even without our will, our commitment, regardless of whether we believe in it or not: it is the energy, that finds the way to reach the altered point within us and gently rebalances it, dissolving and transforming what has crystallized.

Through reiki the different levels of our being (physical, emotional, psychic, spiritual and much more) work simultaneously restoring the harmony and profound well-being that give us that inexplicable joy of living that is independent of what we define as health, illness, good, bad, sadness, happiness, joy, pain, luck, bad luck, ... because everything is perfect as it is.

Reiki is a painless treatment, which occurs through the positioning of the therapist's hands on specific points of the body or a few centimetres away and plays an intense role in relaxation and cellular regeneration.