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There are no small remedies and big drugs.
When a substance with a therapeutic effect is effective,
it is always a great medicine.
Fernando Piterà

Herbal Medicine (Phytotherapy), the progenitor of the modern pharmacopoeia and used in every corner of the earth since ancient times, is a therapeutic practice that uses medicinal products whose active substance consists exclusively of a drug or a herbal preparation.

Active plant substances are distinguished by being complex mixtures of chemical compounds (phytocomplexes) and not by single chemical compounds, as is the case with the majority of drugs currently in use (monomolecular drugs); from this it follows that herbal medicines have their own therapeutic characteristics which are expressed both by the simultaneous presence of compounds with individual biological activities and by the interactions that can occur between these compounds.

The result, of a decidedly holistic nature, is that the phytocomplex exerts a pharmacological action different from that of each of the individual compounds that constitute it. That is: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Gemmotherapy (Meristemotherapy) belongs to the branch of renewed herbal medicine and is part of the biotherapeutic medicines placed at the crossroads between allopathy and homeopathy.

It is a treatment method that uses extracts of fresh plant tissues in the embryonic state which contain substances with particular characteristics both in terms of quality and quantity. In fact, the total anabolic properties of the primitive original cell are found in the shoots, buds, buds, internal rind of young roots, as well as in any other growing compound, whatever the age of the plant, and capable of developing all the potential that is no longer found in the adult plant.

The meristematic system, typical of the plant world, is characterized by an intense cellular multiplicative rhythm and accelerated construction processes that contribute to the formation of tissues and organs, potentially containing all the vital energy and active ingredients necessary for plant development. Due to these particular characteristics, meristemoderivatives contain many more substances and active ingredients than are found in the adult plant, combining this with the advantage of being free of contra-indications and side effects.

The meristemoderivatives mainly carry out a function of gentle rebalancing of cellular and tissue homeostasis as well as drainage, correcting the disorders and enzymatic perturbations of the reticulo-histiocytic system, are capable of activating profound processes of cellular regeneration and detoxifying the organism normally weighed down by harmful waste produced by both physical and mental metabolisms, making a valid therapeutic contribution to the suffering organism.

Oligotherapy expresses its potential through trace elements or simple substances (elements) present in small quantities (oligo, from the Greek oligos) within the organism, but fundamental for the survival of living beings.

Trace elements, once ignored, have a catalytic action in enzyme induction, a structural and functional role that allows the regularization of various metabolic circuits governed by enzymes whose activation is dependent upon one or more metallic substances present on the co-enzymes.

Theoretically already inherent in the organism as they are introduced through food, it may happen that the trace elements are not bioavailable, due to poor nutritional habits or rather the quality of the foods consumed is compromised since they are increasingly refined and polluted by pesticides and chemical substances, .

These trace metal deficiencies are often the cause of a series of morbid phenomena, initially silent and latent, which tend to evolve towards injury or towards a weakening of the natural defences which can generate both physical and psychological pathologies.

Oligotherapy, acting on the deep, tissue and metabolic causes of the discomfort, since it intervenes at the level of cellular exchanges, is able to restore the correct enzymatic functions, by restoring the body's primary defence role thanks to the reactivation of a correct and harmonious communication between the parties.

essential oils (aromatherapy) use is, among all the remedies, treatments and therapies that can be included in holistic medicine, certainly the one that requires the most attention and properly qualified preparation. Essential oils, writes Catia Trevisani, are one of the most powerful gifts of Nature offered to man for his well-being.

Extraordinarily effective on the body due to the high concentration of active ingredients, they are even more powerful, in their volatility and impalpability, in transforming thoughts and emotions, in calming the spirit and in bringing us into the depths of the self, where the healing force resides.

To introduce the world of essences with their incredible power on multiple levels, a passage by Deepak Chopra is illuminating: “the basic structure of Nature resides at the quantum level, well beyond atoms and molecules. At this level, matter and energy become interchangeable and the power that is available at the quantum level is infinitely greater than that found at more obvious levels. The subtlest levels of nature have the greatest energy potential and the secret of life at this level is that everything in our body can be changed with the snap of an intention.”