+39 349 4236540

Seeing a world in a grain of sand
and a paradise in a wild flower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity in an hour.
William Blake

Foot reflexology is an ancient method of unconscious, unitary and profound rebalancing of the organism which takes its name from the term "reflex" which in medicine is defined as a "response that the organism gives involuntarily and sometimes even unconsciously to stimuli coming from the environment that surrounds it or from within itself. The reflex always has a finality and the reaction it triggers is always useful to the entire organism."

Through foot reflexology, thanks to the information entered by stimulation of precise points of the foot to which the body responds in a reflex form, the organism is induced to develop a series of measures which aim to strengthen its tendency towards self-preservation and, consequently, to re-establish the foundations of physical, emotional and psychological balance essential for maintaining homeostasis and for the path of self-healing.

Reflexological treatment has a profound beneficial effect on the entire organism; the impulses generated by the pressure, in fact, travel through the autonomic nervous system which controls, through reflexes, the involuntary action of internal organs, viscera, glands and vessels.

The treatment of specific points reduces tension and the general state of stress, increases the secretion of endorphins at the central nervous system level and favours all those reactions which, through the autonomic nervous system, guarantee harmonious responses to stimuli; be they environmental, behavioural or physiological adaptations.

In the same way, massaging the sole of the foot improves blood circulation and therefore blood circulation which brings nutrients and oxygen and removes carbon dioxide and toxins.

The pressure applied on points and reflex zones connected to the cardiovascular system and the lymphatic system not only increases this effect but, thanks to the stimulation of the points related to the excretory organs, allows the activation of detoxification mechanisms, inducing a profound draining effect.

Finally, since the connection between the nervous, endocrine and immune systems is intimately intertwined and, mediated by emotional and psychic aspects, this generates mutual influences of exchange and communication, establishing virtuous or pathological circles, while the profound rebalancing of just one of these systems will produce beneficial effects that cascades through the entire organism.

Doctor Bach observed that "always, before the appearance of an illness, the state of mind changes compared to the usual one", by acting in this phase (for example with a floral remedy) the illness will no longer need to manifest itself.

When the disease is already present, the choice of remedy is suggested not only by the person's state of mind, but also by the way in which the disorder manifests itself.

Plantar reflexology integrated with Bach flowers starts from the assumption that each area or reflex point of the foot corresponds to a floral remedy.

Once the most suitable remedy has been identified, thanks to the reflex point-floral map correspondences, the naturopath applies it by wetting the reflex area with the pipette and allows the remedy to be absorbed; after which the massage resumes.

The technique is especially strengthened when you are invited to continue the treatment daily by locally applying a drop of the remedy with a small amount of cream.

Developed and enriched by the insights and discoveries of Robert St. John, the metamorphic technique has its roots in foot reflexology.

St. John understood and verified that the gestation period (the time that each of us spends in the maternal womb) remains inscribed on the reflex zone of the spinal column and has indicated a particular treatment for this area, to dissolve traumas and free the "blocks of time" thus allowing the life force to flow harmoniously again.

The underlying concept is that the prenatal period is not only when the physical body is created and developed, but "the foundations of physical and mental defects are laid down".

The technique allows you to transform and heal this period of life and the treatment can give rise to a great metamorphosis of mental attitudes and way of life.

It is therefore a question of allowing an abandonment of the grip on time, and returning to living in the present.