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Everything we are is the result of what we have thought.

These are two very distinct methods expressed in decidedly different ways. EFT is based on mind-body complicity and requiring the gentle tapping of specific acupoints, while Logosynthesis is based on the power of the verb, of the word, of the logos. However,  I consider them in common with regards to the conceptual construct that underlies them.

More than 70 years ago Albert Einstein made the famous equation E=mc2 known to the public.

Its meaning is that everything, even what seems absolutely material to us, is made of energy and that, as such, cannot be destroyed. Energy can only be transformed.

If everything is energy, it turns out that our thoughts are energy too.

Nonetheless, we entrust some thoughts with a great capacity to condense and we attribute so much weight and value to them that they almost manage to materialize, so much so that they end up influencing our choices, our tranquility, our well-being.

Often it is not the situations in and of themselves that really worry or scare us, but rather the imagination, the projection, the mental representation that we have or that we have constructed based on collective or previous experience, which makes us feel so bad.

What we think today ultimately determines what we will experience tomorrow and also our level of serenity. But what we think today is the fruit of the beliefs that we keep, often unaware, within us and which have their roots very far away: in our ancestors, as psychogenealogy teaches us, in our prenatal life, in our intrauterine life, in our childhood , in our youth ...

Thinking well is essential to living well. In fact, every time we leave room for negative thoughts, we produce negative energy. Starting to listen, to look, to observe our thoughts without judgement, even if we don't like what we are seeing and letting them go, transforming them, is the fundamental prerequisite for guaranteeing a more peaceful future free from discomfort, imbalances and illnesses, be they organic or psychic for ourselves .

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and Logosynthesis are very simple, creative and decidedly effective emotional release techniques.

They are guided healing or self-healing methods which, with a little practice, can be used by anyone, at any time and in any circumstance.

It's not about going back in time, rehashing painful episodes of your life, reliving stressful situations, it's "just" about releasing the right energy at the right time.

It's about leaving the past in the past and returning free to live in the present with the prospect of friendlier, more constructive, lighter thoughts: therefore with the prospect of a future aimed at joy, abundance, fulfillment, peace and tranquility.