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Maintain: at ten years old it was my favorite verb.
It involved a promise to hold hands, to keep.
Erri De Luca

From 2007 to 2010, along with my Naturopath colleagues Claudia Polenghi and Margherita Faccio, I launched myself into an adventure that I still don't know how it was possible to achieve!

The idea came from my personal experiences or, as I wrote in the book, "a true story and a clinical study of integrative medicine. An accompanying path for couples looking for a child", from my personal tragedy which, in no way, I wanted to remain as such.

If the journey I faced with the difficulty of conceiving and in medically assisted procreation centres had been lived in solitude and with the feeling that something was missing (integration and empathy!) I wanted my studies, my intuitions, but perhaps most of all my suffering, would become a gift for many, many other couples or singles who, on a daily basis, find themselves having to face a parenthood that is slow in arriving.

A primordial desire that, at a certain point, seems impossible to realize.

The idea of ​​the scientific study was rooted in this very brief premise, but it is right to say that without my colleagues Claudia and Margherita who embraced my idea with immediate dedication and incredible enthusiasm; without a scientific committee who believed in us and without a doctor, Dr. Juerg Stamm who, without knowing each other and armed only with a great spirit of curiosity, opened the doors of the Clinic he led; this project would have remained just an idea. But life wanted it to progress differently and for this I will always be grateful to all those who shared that seed of an idea with me and made it become a little plant which, with its fruits, continues to scatter seeds.

The scientific study was carried out at the La Carità fertility clinic in Locarno (Switzerland), in collaboration with the medical team of Dr. Stamm. To be a credible scientific study, i.e. to lay statistical foundations, we needed rigorous protocols (it was nice to harness the holistic concept in the classical investigation method of modern science) based upon a minimum number of twenty-four couples.

In 2010, after three years of exciting research, we reached our objective.

The table below documents the results obtained from the comparison with forty-eight couples belonging to the control group; even if the raw numbers certainly cannot tell the beauty of this journey which, without a doubt, has achieved positive transformations that we can no longer transcend and forget.

A path that I hope every couple or single person who decides to embark on the path of parenthood will follow, regardless of how they achieve it.

Knowing the beauty that underlies the concept of integrated medicine, I can no longer refrain from working hard for it; in every area and in front of every opportunity that, simplistically, we call pathology.

To return to the scientific study: the analysis of the table shows us that couples who combined medically assisted procreation techniques with an integrated naturopathic approach achieved an 8% greater probability of completing the pregnancy.

                                                       Experimental group                     Control group

                                                       (24 coppie)                                    (48 coppie) 

Conceptions achieved                54%                                                  41% 

Abortions                                      30%                                                  30% 

Pregnancies completed             37%                                                  29% 

Natural conception                      39%                                                  25%

The accompanying path, established for the study was conceived to follow pre-established parameters due to its experimental nature of the project. This is no longer the case today. The project is finished and, freed from these protocols, you can benefit from a more personal and subjective therapeutic advice, which is the basis of all holistic medicine.

In any case, beyond pregnancy, the objective is to improve the quality of life where one is forced to medicalize such a spontaneous and natural event both to deal with therapies and to possibly start a process of peaceful acceptance and acceptance. of one's reality, for what it is.

The psychological and emotional support given to couples and singles and the benefit they have derived from it can be documented from their words and writings and is the result that has given me the strength to continue in this arduous undertaking: getting people out of the basement of non-conventional medicines and start this process of integration and complementarity that is so dear to me.

My message is that together we can do more and, above all, that the person (whatever their discomfort) is and must be at the centre of every intervention that involves the restoration of their physical but also emotional, psychological and energetic balance and well-being .

This is the intent of my work: to awaken the power of self-healing that is inherent in each of us.

For any curiosity about my history and scientific study I invite you to read the book, a true story and a clinical study of integrated medicine. An accompanying path for couples looking for a child" (Claudia Barzaghi - Enea editions) or contact me directly.

I will be happy to tell you about my experience!

The accompaniment path, initially dedicated only to couples looking for a child, has now been expanded, rounded and has therefore become the all-round accompaniment path.

Who is it aimed at?

  • women, singles, couples who are undertaking or have already embarked on the path of medically assisted procreation;
  • women who are looking for a baby that is late in arriving and who wish to postpone or not deal with medicalization at all;
  • women who carry wonderful promises within their breasts;
  • women of all ages who love taking care of their femininity.
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