+39 349 4236540

The greatness of man is measured by what he seeks
and the insistence with which he remains searching.
Martin Heidegger

Integrate, integrate, integrate!

When I think about it, I can't help but perceive myself in relation to every plane of my existence (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and much more), to others and to what surrounds me. We live in ourselves and in the universe as a whole, in a complex system, where everything is attached and where it is essential to begin to recognize the systemic interconnectedness of all the phenomena of reality. 

I can't pluck a flower without disturbing a star... From environmental education to holistic medicine, it was a short step, indeed! I fell into it almost without even realizing it. 

Ex-ducere, (Latin for: to bring up or lead out): I used to undertake this with students, and now with those going through a period of change, suffering, illness, discomfort or simply want to stay vital and healthy. 

All the ingredients are all already within us and the therapist doesn't have to do much more than listen, welcome, provide other possible points of view, rework and propose the best tools to help those who have momentarily lost their way or want to continue to feel good while finding their way.

Naturopathy as well as energy psychology, with its methods, has provided me with interesting and always stimulating tools, to accompany me towards the rebalancing of the spheres that make us unique, unrepeatable and inseparable beings.

In my practice I integrate: I integrate the planes that make up the human being, because it is division, conflict that generates suffering; I integrate the different disciplines and the different sources of knowledge, because one does not exclude the other, on the contrary, they enrich me and give me the opportunity to investigate reality from different points of view which I finally integrate with different professional figures, because I am convinced that in every area, together, we can do more and better. 

I recall an African proverb that says: "if you want to win, run alone, but if you want to go far, walk with others". Primordial wisdom that, although not always easy to implement, always delivers rewards over time. And this thought is what underlies all my actions and directions.

Integrative medicine is the set of knowledge and people (doctors, naturopaths, homeopaths, psychologists, ...) who have "felt" and experienced that together we can do more and better.

There is a medicine of soma that is as precious as that of emotions, of the heart and of the soul. We are not only our body, we are not only our psyche, we are not only our emotions; We are all this and much more in continuous exchange, relationship, communication, adaptation, balance, harmony, but also discomfort and imbalance.

When one part of us manifests a symptom, it is the whole that asks to be heard.

Integrative medicine is the medicine of the olos; the one that acts in synergy and reactivates, according to the different knowledge of the figures who practice it, the self-healing force that is inherent in each of us.

For further information on integrated medicine go to "femininity and fertility - practicing integrated medicine".

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