+39 349 4236540

The meaning of life is to find your gift.
The purpose of life is how to manage it.
Pablo Picasso

Educator by vocation and naturopath by choice, I am made complete thanks to the passion for my work and my wonderful children: Alessandro and Giacomo.

I graduated in Naturopathy at the SIMO (Italian School of Holistic Medicine) in Milan in 2007 with a thesis entitled "Naturopathy and medically assisted procreation: study concerning the supplementation of estradiol from natural sources in the luteal phase as a support in in vitro fertilization (IVF) or in intracytoplasmic sperm injection into the oocyte (ICSI)", I subsequently specialized in phytocomplements.

I am particularly attentive to aspects related to femininity and fertility. From 2007-2010, with my naturopathic colleagues Claudia Polenghi and Margherita Faccio, I conceived and carried out a scientific study of integrated medicine called: "Accompaniment path for couples looking for a child" aimed at verifying whether by rebalancing of existential stress you had a positive impact on the success rates of medically assisted procreation techniques in couples with idiopathic infertility (without organic cause).

This clinical study, which I invite you to read more about on the dedicated page, was carried out thanks to the hospitality of Dr. Juerg Stamm, then head physician of the  “La Carità” fertility  clinic in Locarno (Switzerland) and its wonderful staff.

In 2012 my training was enriched with new skills, thanks to the study of two methods belonging to the world of energy psychology: EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and LOGOSINTHESIS. Techniques which, not infrequently, complete my naturopathy consultations and which lend themselves to being taught with simplicity, allowing me to provide self-help tools that are easy to apply and surprisingly effective.

Furthermore, with the spirit of the everlasting researcher who is never satisfied with being amazed, enthusiastic, learning, deepening and sharing the achievements of her knowledge, I never tire of updating myself and studying. 

More recently, alongside my training in naturopathy, new skills have been added such as the practice of Mikao Usui's reiki and the management of yoga nidra sessions.

In 2014 I published the book: “A true story and a clinical study of integrative medicine. An accompanying path for couples looking for a child” – Author: Claudia Barzaghi – Enea Edizioni.

Committed to the spread of holism, thanks to experimentation and practice, so that together we can do more and better, I am chasing a dream: hospital facilities and doctors with whom to replicate the beautiful experience of the "accompaniment path for couples looking for a baby". That is: a successful example of integrated medicine.

I am registered in the Italian Naturopaths Register FE.NA.I n° 0400/090400

P.S. in addition to being a naturopath, I was the contact person for the Environmental Education Office of the Lombard Park of the Ticino Valley and a technical instructor, with reference to environmental sustainability, at the DG Environment and Climate of the Lombardy Region; professions that I enjoyed very much and which went well with my innate curiosity, the enthusiasm in designing and profound interest in those interactions that characterize relationships with oneself, all living beings and the environment that surrounds us.

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